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Steffen Ahl

MARS Global Member


Steffen had been a Design Director at RSP Design Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. in Bangalore, India from 2014 to 2017 as his last endeavour. After graduating from the Bauhaus University in Weimar in 2001, his love of classical architecture and interest in history, art took him to Italy for 8 years. From 2009 to 2011, he was Team Leader for Architecture and Urban Design at the Engineering and Consultancy Office for Unitilies (ECOU) in Libya. In this time, he has worked in the coordination of external planners in addition to own projects planning. In 2011, he went to China and was there until 2014 u.a. in the Urban Planning Design & Research Institute (CUDG) with planning tasks on a medium and large scale. Thus, he was practically on-site in all three major architectural world systems - Western, Islamic and Chinese. He has personally supervised the planning process in different phases. Since leaving Europe, his focus has been on urban planning. Due to his work experience, he often served as a team leader. He tries to bring a degree of environmental compatibility into the design approach. Since 2011, he has a license from the BREEAM Institute (GB) for Environmental Impact Assessment, registered with the ARB (Architects Registration Board, London, see attachment) and RIBA-International member. Between the completion of his architectural studies in 1995 (Dipl.-Ing.) 


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