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Sajir Residence

Location- Kerala, India
Total built up area - 3700 Sq.ft
Located in Kannur, dist. of Kerala, the half meter level difference in front of the site was the most interesting part of design evolution. This level difference has helped in creating formal and informal space segregation without altering the site. Thus giving privacy for respective activities. This contemporary design welcomes the occupants to the formal living which is placed in the road level.
The occupants are further taken to higher level which is a private zone, thus beautifully blending the private and public spaces. The exterior is done in the most unconventional way, with an impression of stacked boxes and louvers rather than the sloped roof structure, which is the common practice in those areas. This 4 bedroom residence with its contemporary kitchen, work-area, and a beautiful dining area, with full glass window surrounding it, gives an extended feeling to the landscape beyond.

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